Due to different conditions or while in hospital, patients  have to follow special diets as recommended by their physicians or nutritionists.
In this post, please write from your own, 
a family member's or a friend's experience with such a diet. Mention:
- the condition
- what is restricted/forbidden and encouraged in terms of types of food
- other specific information you consider necessary.
Please do not write more than 70-80 words (longer posts will be deleted and you will have to re-do). Also,  use an informal style,  i.e. write as you would speak! Do not copy/paste from the Internet! This is public space writing and any copyright infringement is your responsibility. 
A blog is a  written conversation! You are highly encouraged to reply to previous comments, ask questions, agree/disagree with a colleague in a polite manner. Regularly re-visit the blog to see if you have such questions and reply to them. 

Image retrieved Oct. 23 from Unsplash  Cutting tasty chopped salad with orange juice


  1. During our summer vacation it turned out that my father has type 2 diabetes, which requires a balanced diet in order to manage the blood sugar level.
    He enjoys a variety of dishes, but the diet is mostly based on nutrient-dense foods, like fruits (apple, berries), vegetables( cucumbers, spinach), whole grains (oats, brown rice), nuts, protein-rich foods (chicken, seafood). Unfortunately he needs to avoid some foods entirely, such as high fat meats, sweets, sugar-sweetened beverages, milk or cheese.
    Teleki A.K.

  2. My friend had a gastrointestinal diseas, so he had a fat-restricted diet.
    This diet limits you the intake of fatty food such as margarine, mayonnaise, dressings, oils and gravies. The diet usually includes whole wheat breads, lean cuts of meat, skim milk, low-fat cheese products, eggs, vegetables, and other food items prepared without extra fat.
    Muj David O.

  3. Two years ago I started having problems related to food. After many tests and hospitalizations, I found out that I have irritable bowel syndrome . Is a group of symptoms that affects the digestive system. The types of food that I was forbidden to eat are : processed foods (cookies, chips) , dairy (especially cheese),fried food ,fatty foods,meat, chocolate , carbonated drinks and also caffeine and alcohol . I was allowed to eat: low-fat chicken soup, bananas, fried bread, very well cooked vegetables, rice .
    Mălina C .

  4. Three years ago I started having problems with my skin. After many tests, I found out that I have streptoccocus bacteria due a poorly treated ear infection. Because of this bacterium I got a lot of acnee on my face. The doctor prescribed a strict diet. I couldn't eat dairy products, sugary products,chocolate,gluten free products, fatty foods. Now I have just a sugar free diet and I don't eat products with cacoa.
    Hajdu H. Eszter

  5. My uncle is dealing with diabetes. He has a strict diet: he must consume a lot of protein, he is only allowed 10 g of carbohydrates per day and he is also allowed only one fruit per day. Physical activity must be included in the daily schedule and must also control cortisol, the stress hormone.
    The medication he takes is: Diaprel (60 mg-1 per day), Siofor-2 per day, Januvia-1 per day.
    - Anghel Catalina - Florentina

  6. Five years ago my aunt has diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. She was in the hospital for like a week, beacuse her state was not that great. After she got all the pills accommodate to her illnes, she got a special diet from a nutritionist. For example she was not allowed to eat sugar, candies, desserts, which contain sugar, or other ingredients, that increase the blood sugar level quickly. She also should to measure her blood sugar level 5 times a day.
    Balla Bernadett


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