Fasting has been used since ancient times to cleanse the body and the soul. By fasting we allow the digestive system to rest and the body to heal. Nowadays food is more widely available than ever, we are surrounded by food commercials and ready made meals are just one click away. In one way or another, people have been affected by food addiction, so fasting can be a real challenge for most of us, it requires strength and commitment but its benefits are worth the effort. Decreased levels of inflammation, blood sugar control, weight loss, delayed rate of aging and cancer prevention are all achievable through fasting.
First of all, I think that in this case food addiction should be replaced step-by-step with another "healthy" addiction like sports. If the focus îs not shifted, no results will be achieved. Fasting can be introduced at a later stage when food addiction is somehow treated.
In my opinion fasting can be a heathy eating habit , with fasting we can achieve weight loss and improved mood , one the other hand it can cause negativ effects usually hypoglycemia that can lead to clumsiness, trouble talking , confusion or even loss of consciousness and seizures . For peoples with health issues fasting is not recommended because it can lead to serious complication . Fasting may also be part of a religion like Buddhism . In conclusion fasting can be a healty eating habit if it is done correctly .
i think healthy eating and calorie control should be the main way you change your lifestyle I think the fasting can help but if it is for short periods of time in my opinio
Fasting is an age-old practice used by our elders basically from religious reasons. But fasting also turned into a modern detox diet or weight loss method. Some of these methods promotes fasting for several hours, meaning 16-18h with no or very few calories intake, each day. Fasts that last a day or two are probably safe for most healthy adults. Still, the elderly, chronic disease patients, pregnant women and children are not allowed to follow any type of fasting. In my opinion, fasting for weight loss may work for some time, but the health risks far outweigh the short-term benefits.
Biblically, fasting is abstaining from food, drink, sleep to focus on a period of spiritual growth.fasting should be limited to a set time, especially when the fasting is from food.extended period of time without eating are harmfull to the body. Some may not be able to fast from food, diabetics for example. Fasting should not be considered a dieting method. We should't fast to loose weight. We only deny something of the flesh to enhance our spirit and go deeper in our prayer life.
The fasting diet is represented by the pyramid of all food groups, except those of animal origin. It's also called the vegan or raw-vegan diet. Most people with religious, ethical and health concerns are approached. Lately it is praised as a diet for weight loss or detoxification, which is largely a marketing move. Only a professional nutritionist can help people create a balanced diet so that it is truly beneficial.
Fasting is a well known practice, wich it is generally understood as a practice of refraining from certain foods on certain days of the week. Religiously is more important to fast with the soul and to refrain from bad things and toughts. Fasting is a good way to learn and to control your body and mind in the same time. For our body is a good way to disciplinate, eating less and restrictively does not necessarily mean eating bad, even if the fast involves the animal food and meat. Fod is a necessity for living, but it also matters how you live. Only eating, having no ideea of what you are eating or why are you eating is just a waste of life. Food is nourishing when we understand it, when we love it and when we choose what is best for us. In my opinion fasting is a good way reflect and challenge ourselves to do and be the best for us, and share our gratitude to ohers.
I believe that fasting is an interesting concept that has been introduced in people’s life in ancient times and it has a tight connection with religious beliefs. Fasting implies many rules that change the way people eat and what they do on the daily basis. It can help with weight loss, digestive problems, it can improve the mood and usually fasting is a way for the body to detoxify and in combination with meditation or praying it can heal the soul too.
I agree with you. However, I strongly believe that we cannot think about fasting like a perfect and flawless solution that is suitable for everyone. If someone starts fasting while being used to eating regularly and often having snacks, the change in his/her habits can lead to stress, anxiety and even sleeping problems. Fasting can have multiple unpleasant, or even dangerous consequences, such as dehydration (since a lot of people tend to forget to drink while fasting), headaches, unpleasant breath. Fasting only leads to temporary solutions against obesity and does not teach us healthy habits, therefore it is not an actual change in lifestyle. Alternating irregularly between fasting and eating well could lead to indigestion.
Bichir C. A body detox cannot be complete without a mental detox, so to leave negative emotions aside, excessive self-criticism, feelings of envy when comparing our lives and personal achievements with others. Let us impose an inner discipline aligned with the promise to honor our body properly: being better, more tolerant, more open. Food for the body, food for the soul!
Bichir C. Fasting through the consumption of fruits, vegetables and seeds helps the body to get rid of accumulated residues and organs such as the liver and kidneys regain their functions to their maximum capacity. Fasting also involves daily prayer, detoxifying, curing diseases and transforming people into better and healthier people. ”Make your stomach small, your tongue silent, keep your mind clear, your heart clean, gentle and humble. Here is what fasting means.”- Saint Vasile cel Mare
Pacurar ( Buta ) Aurora Not many people know this, but fasting can be a way in which, just as with musical instruments, you can "tune" your digestive system. According to endocrinologists, during the fasting period you adjust your body to be better, to suppress the secretion of insulin, reduce the appetite for sugar... in this way sugar becomes something you no longer need. You realize that you can live without it. What happens during fasting periods is the fact that by removing an essential part of your daily routine (giving up meat, eggs, milk and other animal products that are forbidden in the fast) you will initially have the impression that you will ruin your whole program/ schedule, your whole daily routine. Even if it looks like a bad thing, it isn't. Fasting is really a time when you need to reflect on your routines and give yourself a well-deserved break, a time to think about how you want your life to go from now on. By fasting, you become more aware of yourself and you you can take the time you used to spend eating "sweet" foods for yourself to meditate, to keep a journal, or do any other activity that helps you reflect on your life.
Man Calin Andrei In my opinon, even if fasting is a good way to to weight loss, slow the effects of aging and even improve your cardiovascular health as the studies say, experiencing hunger during fasting periods could significantly impact your ability to make decisions, think and concentrate. Ultimately, while fasting might be trendy and sound promising right now, it’s not for everyone. It’s not clear whether intermittent fasting is sustainable to follow long-term or if it’s safe for people. Fasting could put people at risk of developing nutrient deficiencies, for example. For some who have a history of disordered eating, intermittent fasting could lead to increased binge-eating.
From my point of view fasting can be a method to cleanse your body and soul by abstinence from all food and drinks but not everyone can keep up with it. Nowadays many people prefer to fasting to improve their health by developing a control of their eating habits and others are doing it according to their religions. There are so many benefits like: weight loss, you become more aware of what your body likes and does not like when you start to eat again, improves your immune system and increases hunger tolerance. To sum up, fasting can be healthy for your body once in a while but we have to create a compatible diet suitable for our lifestyle.
In my opinion, fasting is a great solution for losing unwanted weight and it has a lot of benefits, including reversing type-2 diabetes, completely repairing immune system, curing obesity. It also has effects on mental health as it can fight against depression and anxiety. On the other hand, it shouldn't be a long term method used for losing weight because it can cause hypoglycemia, which comes with fatigue, shakiness and an irregular heart rhythm
Bojian Ioana-Emilia While I agree that fasting can be beneficial in the process of losing weight, I think that for someone with anxiety or depression, fasting can lead to a very dangerous path like anorexia or other control issues.
My point was that losing weight gives people more confidence and self esteem so they can beat these diseases if they were caused by body shame and lack of self confidence. However, I agree with you that in a lot of cases people tend to exaggerate
It is true that many people are fasting in their desire of getting rid of some kg or when they get sick and their body needs a 'restart'. And of course, it's helping them! But in my opinion, the real reason why we should fast is to form a healthy lifestyle, starting from the idea that "what is much, is bad". Eating in excess doesn't do us any good, and not even the long stress. So, while we are fasting, we learn how to reduce these factors that causes our disease. A temperate life, in which simple, moderate diet predominates, I think it would be much efficient than a total abstinence once a month, for example.
As my others colleagues said , is an well-known information that fasting is a an old type of diet for many people , because of religious or cultural inflluences .Firstly,fasting is a good way of loosing weight , because there is less food to convert into energy, therefore your body is forced to start converting the stored fats into energy. Also ,one of the greatest advantages of fasting as a means of losing weight is that it is more effective in burning through fat cells compared to regular dieting.Secondly , fasting promotes longevity and speeds up metabolism . That is why , in my opinion fasting it's a good choice for everybody .
Despite its recent surge in popularity, fasting is a practice that dates back centuries and plays a central role in many cultures and religions. Some people fast in order to enable them to meditate and get closer to God. Others do it for purely health reasons as studies have shown that a period of fasting cleanses the body of toxins. Fasts last 24-72 hours, and present some benefits such as reducing blood presure, lower cholesterol, boosting brain function.
Ștef Teodora-Denisa In my opinion, normally, when you eat, your body burns the food you ate to provide fuel for your body. Fasting helps to speed up your metabolism, preventing these degeneration and loss of muscle tissue. Another impressive benefit of fasting is that it promotes detoxification of the body. Fasting also helps the body to get rid of toxins that might be contributing to skin conditions. Not only is fasting great for your body, turns out it is good for your brain too. Fasting improves your brain function in a number of ways.
Fasting is a concept where participants alternate between eating and fasting and eating in specific time periods. Fasting has been linked to reduced risks of chronic diseases such as type II diabetes and high blood pressure and lowered risk of cancers associated with obesity. One of the greatest advantages of fasting as a means of losing weight is that it is more effective in burning through fat cells compared to regular dieting. In addition, fasting is incorporated as a lifestyle change, which makes it more sustainable and more effective compared to many ‘crash diet weight loss solutions. Actually, several studies have found fasting to be one of the most effective and most reliable long term solutions for weight loss and weight maintenance. Grab Carina Andreea
In my opinion, fasting is understood as a practice of refraining from certain foods in certain days or periods established by the church. Moreover, out of the religious significance, i think that fasting is one of the most effective alternative of diet due to his lots of benefits for our bodies and for our souls. It is also becoming more popular among the stars nowadays.
There is some good scientific evidence suggesting that fasting, when combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, can be a particularly effective approach to weight loss, especially for people at risk for diabetes. Just changing the timing of meals, by eating earlier in the day and extending the overnight fast, significantly benefited metabolism even in people who didn’t lose a single pound. In my opinion, the ease of intermittent fasting is best reason to give it a try. It provides a wide range of health benefits without requiring a massive lifestyle change and that's why I'm not against it and I am truly sustaining it.
ANDRA BALAN In my opinion , fasting can bring about a strong sense of cleansing, or even catharsis. On a physical level, this may be a function of sweating out the garbage from industrialized food or a chemical-rich contemporary environment. On an emotional level, maybe it’s about cleansing the accumulated grime of ignored emotions, and getting some insight into what lies beneath.
I totally agree, I think everyone and everything sometimes needs a break, but still we can't just stop our organisms and give them a break, so at least what we can do is not overtax it and "clean" it, fasting is the perfect way to do it. Ropotan Elena
The way I see it, fasting could be an effective way of weight loss, however it is not the best option for that purpose. Eating exactly what your body needs and as much as you require could be way more effective, not to mention it’s psychological advantage, that you don’t have to starve for achieving your goals. However, fasting could have beneficial effects if it is made in a thoughtful, well-defined way and not necessarily in order to lose weight, but for example, to improve your metabolism, by avoiding some types of food for a shorter period of time.
Fasting recharges you. It is known from the Holy Bible. In these days fasting is used not only for religious reasons but for dietetical reasons. For example: loosing weight. These dietetical reasons can be healthy but can also be unhealthy, if it is done in a wrong way.
There are many different types of fasts out there, usually romanian people refer to fasting as the religious kind of fast where you do not eat any animal products. Despite that, fasting is also a tool that is pretty helpful when trying to cut weight/fat, as it limits your eating window to 4-8 hours instead of 12-16(fasting means consuming all of your calories in a small time frame, as i stated previously). Many people see it as the holy grail of dieting, whereas others think it's completely useless, i like to think it's somewhere in the middle, considering it a tool to make a calorie deficit more enjoyable.
There are many benefits of this nutritional strategy, showing its best results on health, but only if it is adopted for a limited period of time. Our body needs some time to adapt to the new conditions, once it creates a habit of it is easier for us to practice fasting. I consider it to be a great way of preventing diseases, as well as it can be used as a treatment, in obesity for example. I have to say that fasting isn't recommended for some classes of people like pregnant women, under eighteen years old teenagers, diabetics and others. I've tried fasting myself and I can say that it is like a moment of breath for the organism, and a chance to use the energy on others processes.
Fasting is the refraining from certain foods and drinks, for a certain period of time. In medicine- fasting is recommended before the surgical procedures or the proedures which involve anesthesia. In religion-fasting is practiced during the certain periods of the year and on friday. The fasting manifests in many forms. In Lent, wednesday and friday, is very strict. Avoid foods are meat, dairy, eggs. Also, in Lent, the number and size of meals are reduced, so fasting also helps in weight loos.
Bojian Ioana-Emilia Should we be fasting? To my mind fasting is just a way of depriving the body of the nutrients that it needs. Of course, there is the spiritual side of fasting, which is the only reason why it would be acceptable. Of course it is a fast way to lose weight, but at what cost? Our health is not to be played with so before considering fasting, you should see a professional about it.
Abstaining or reducing food and drink intake periodically can be good for us, making it one of the most popular diet trends worldwide. A detoxification process also occurs, because any toxins stored in the body's fat are dissolved and removed from the body. I believe such a diet is ineffective for long-term weight loss. Fasting for weight loss has many health risks. I think there are some people who should avoid the black fast altogether.
Fasting by avoiding food and drinking many water 3-4 l is definitly detoxifying the body by the help of the kidneys.It can help the imune system by enpowreing it because it doesen't need to lose energy on digesting.Nearly all of our legumes and fruits are contaning GMO-s not benefitial for us but for t bussines,not mentioning the growth hormones and antibiotics in the animal producting world.Avoiding these for a little time 1-3 days can be benefitial. by Schut Szabolcs Lorand
We often mix the meanings of diet and fasting, although the the goal of fasting is not to lose weight, but abstinence, which in many cases can lead to weight loss as well. Fasting is not “detoxication”, how many people refer to it, but relieving the human body, sparing the digestive system, and subserving the depletion of excreta. Fasting often becomes a long starvation, and in my opinion a well compiled, personalised diet, with traditional, multiple meals, with adequate makro and mikro nutriment consistency, and with a well set energy requisite is perfectly enough. In this way we could follow a well balanced, continuously tenable diet, in which there aren’t specific restrictions and we can get every nutrient we need. Our bodies know their jobs, we just have to live healthy.
The logic behind fasting as an approach to weight loss: because you have to have a calorie deficit to lose weight, eating in a window makes it easier to eat less and reach your designated calories what what most people do is not "true" fasting most ordinary people eat only one meal a day during fasting and this is not a correct approach, and this leads to weight loss, fasting can be beneficial if done correctly by consuming the necessary daily in the time window
I think that fasting firstly has cultural/religious values and nutritional benefits are just some bonuses. The most important is to not force fasting if we don't feel good during it. I don't think that is a good habit but it has many positive effects and sometimes we could use it like a diet. It depend on how our body is reacting. We need to choose what is best for our body not popular diat or fasting plans which doesn't fit with our lifestyle or bodytype.
Fasting has been used since ancient times to cleanse the body and the soul. By fasting we allow the digestive system to rest and the body to heal. Nowadays food is more widely available than ever, we are surrounded by food commercials and ready made meals are just one click away. In one way or another, people have been affected by food addiction, so fasting can be a real challenge for most of us, it requires strength and commitment but its benefits are worth the effort. Decreased levels of inflammation, blood sugar control, weight loss, delayed rate of aging and cancer prevention are all achievable through fasting.
ReplyDeleteI have a little question for you: What do you think a person that has problems with food addiction should do? IS fasting the best solution?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteFirst of all, I think that in this case food addiction should be replaced step-by-step with another "healthy" addiction like sports. If the focus îs not shifted, no results will be achieved. Fasting can be introduced at a later stage when food addiction is somehow treated.
DeleteIn my opinion fasting can be a heathy eating habit , with fasting we can achieve weight loss and improved mood , one the other hand it can cause negativ effects usually hypoglycemia that can lead to clumsiness, trouble talking , confusion or even loss of consciousness and
ReplyDeleteseizures . For peoples with health issues fasting is not recommended because it can lead to serious complication . Fasting may also be part of a religion like Buddhism . In conclusion fasting can be a healty eating habit if it is done correctly .
i think healthy eating and calorie control should be the main way you change your lifestyle
DeleteI think the fasting can help but if it is for short periods of time in my opinio
Yes , exactly .
DeleteNice comment :) Being carefull is inportant.
DeleteFasting is an age-old practice used by our elders basically from religious reasons. But fasting also turned into a modern detox diet or weight loss method. Some of these methods promotes fasting for several hours, meaning 16-18h with no or very few calories intake, each day. Fasts that last a day or two are probably safe for most healthy adults. Still, the elderly, chronic disease patients, pregnant women and children are not allowed to follow any type of fasting. In my opinion, fasting for weight loss may work for some time, but the health risks far outweigh the short-term benefits.
ReplyDeleteBiblically, fasting is abstaining from food, drink, sleep to focus on a period of spiritual growth.fasting should be limited to a set time, especially when the fasting is from food.extended period of time without eating are harmfull to the body. Some may not be able to fast from food, diabetics for example. Fasting should not be considered a dieting method. We should't fast to loose weight. We only deny something of the flesh to enhance our spirit and go deeper in our prayer life.
DeleteJidveian Ioana Cristina
DeleteThe fasting diet is represented by the pyramid of all food groups, except those of animal origin.
ReplyDeleteIt's also called the vegan or raw-vegan diet. Most people with religious, ethical and health concerns are approached.
Lately it is praised as a diet for weight loss or detoxification, which is largely a marketing move.
Only a professional nutritionist can help people create a balanced diet so that it is truly beneficial.
Fasting is a well known practice, wich it is generally understood as a practice of refraining from certain foods on certain days of the week. Religiously is more important to fast with the soul and to refrain from bad things and toughts. Fasting is a good way to learn and to control your body and mind in the same time. For our body is a good way to disciplinate, eating less and restrictively does not necessarily mean eating bad, even if the fast involves the animal food and meat. Fod is a necessity for living, but it also matters how you live. Only eating, having no ideea of what you are eating or why are you eating is just a waste of life. Food is nourishing when we understand it, when we love it and when we choose what is best for us. In my opinion fasting is a good way reflect and challenge ourselves to do and be the best for us, and share our gratitude to ohers.
DeleteI believe that fasting is an interesting concept that has been introduced in people’s life in ancient times and it has a tight connection with religious beliefs. Fasting implies many rules that change the way people eat and what they do on the daily basis. It can help with weight loss, digestive problems, it can improve the mood and usually fasting is a way for the body to detoxify and in combination with meditation or praying it can heal the soul too.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. However, I strongly believe that we cannot think about fasting like a perfect and flawless solution that is suitable for everyone. If someone starts fasting while being used to eating regularly and often having snacks, the change in his/her habits can lead to stress, anxiety and even sleeping problems. Fasting can have multiple unpleasant, or even dangerous consequences, such as dehydration (since a lot of people tend to forget to drink while fasting), headaches, unpleasant breath. Fasting only leads to temporary solutions against obesity and does not teach us healthy habits, therefore it is not an actual change in lifestyle. Alternating irregularly between fasting and eating well could lead to indigestion.
DeleteBichir C.
ReplyDeleteA body detox cannot be complete without a mental detox, so to leave negative emotions aside, excessive self-criticism, feelings of envy when comparing our lives and personal achievements with others.
Let us impose an inner discipline aligned with the promise to honor our body properly: being better, more tolerant, more open.
Food for the body, food for the soul!
Bichir C.
ReplyDeleteFasting through the consumption of fruits, vegetables and seeds helps the body to get rid of accumulated residues and organs such as the liver and kidneys regain their functions to their maximum capacity.
Fasting also involves daily prayer, detoxifying, curing diseases and transforming people into better and healthier people.
”Make your stomach small, your tongue silent, keep your mind clear, your heart clean, gentle and humble. Here is what fasting means.”- Saint Vasile cel Mare
Pacurar ( Buta ) Aurora
ReplyDeleteNot many people know this, but fasting can be a way in which, just as with musical instruments, you can "tune" your digestive system. According to endocrinologists, during the fasting period you adjust your body to be better, to suppress the secretion of insulin, reduce the appetite for sugar... in this way sugar becomes something you no longer need. You realize that you can live without it.
What happens during fasting periods is the fact that by removing an essential part of your daily routine (giving up meat, eggs, milk and other animal products that are forbidden in the fast) you will initially have the impression that you will ruin your whole program/ schedule, your whole daily routine.
Even if it looks like a bad thing, it isn't. Fasting is really a time when you need to reflect on your routines and give yourself a well-deserved break, a time to think about how you want your life to go from now on. By fasting, you become more aware of yourself and you you can take the time you used to spend eating "sweet" foods for yourself to meditate, to keep a journal, or do any other activity that helps you reflect on your life.
Well-thought and comprehensive comment.
DeleteMan Calin Andrei
ReplyDeleteIn my opinon, even if fasting is a good way to to weight loss, slow the effects of aging and even improve your cardiovascular health as the studies say, experiencing hunger during fasting periods could significantly impact your ability to make decisions, think and concentrate.
Ultimately, while fasting might be trendy and sound promising right now, it’s not for everyone. It’s not clear whether intermittent fasting is sustainable to follow long-term or if it’s safe for people. Fasting could put people at risk of developing nutrient deficiencies, for example.
For some who have a history of disordered eating, intermittent fasting could lead to increased binge-eating.
From my point of view fasting can be a method to cleanse your body and soul by abstinence from all food and drinks but not everyone can keep up with it. Nowadays many people prefer to fasting to improve their health by developing a control of their eating habits and others are doing it according to their religions. There are so many benefits like: weight loss, you become more aware of what your body likes and does not like when you start to eat again, improves your immune system and increases hunger tolerance. To sum up, fasting can be healthy for your body once in a while but we have to create a compatible diet suitable for our lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, fasting is a great solution for losing unwanted weight and it has a lot of benefits, including reversing type-2 diabetes, completely repairing immune system, curing obesity. It also has effects on mental health as it can fight against depression and anxiety. On the other hand, it shouldn't be a long term method used for losing weight because it can cause hypoglycemia, which comes with fatigue, shakiness and an irregular heart rhythm
ReplyDeleteBojian Ioana-Emilia
DeleteWhile I agree that fasting can be beneficial in the process of losing weight, I think that for someone with anxiety or depression, fasting can lead to a very dangerous path like anorexia or other control issues.
My point was that losing weight gives people more confidence and self esteem so they can beat these diseases if they were caused by body shame and lack of self confidence. However, I agree with you that in a lot of cases people tend to exaggerate
DeleteIt is true that many people are fasting in their desire of getting rid of some kg or when they get sick and their body needs a 'restart'. And of course, it's helping them! But in my opinion, the real reason why we should fast is to form a healthy lifestyle, starting from the idea that "what is much, is bad". Eating in excess doesn't do us any good, and not even the long stress. So, while we are fasting, we learn how to reduce these factors that causes our disease. A temperate life, in which simple, moderate diet predominates, I think it would be much efficient than a total abstinence once a month, for example.
ReplyDeleteAs my others colleagues said , is an well-known information that fasting is a an old type of diet for many people , because of religious or cultural inflluences .Firstly,fasting is a good way of loosing weight , because there is less food to convert into energy, therefore your body is forced to start converting the stored fats into energy. Also ,one of the greatest advantages of fasting as a means of losing weight is that it is more effective in burning through fat cells compared to regular dieting.Secondly , fasting promotes longevity and speeds up metabolism . That is why , in my opinion fasting it's a good choice for everybody .
ReplyDeleteDespite its recent surge in popularity, fasting is a practice that dates back centuries and plays a central role in many cultures and religions. Some people fast in order to enable them to meditate and get closer to God. Others do it for purely health reasons as studies have shown that a period of fasting cleanses the body of toxins. Fasts last 24-72 hours, and present some benefits such as reducing blood presure, lower cholesterol, boosting brain function.
ReplyDeleteȘtef Teodora-Denisa
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, normally, when you eat, your body burns the food you ate to provide fuel for your body. Fasting helps to speed up your metabolism, preventing these degeneration and loss of muscle tissue. Another impressive benefit of fasting is that it promotes detoxification of the body. Fasting also helps the body to get rid of toxins that might be contributing to skin conditions. Not only is fasting great for your body, turns out it is good for your brain too. Fasting improves your brain function in a number of ways.
Fasting is a concept where participants alternate between eating and fasting and eating in specific time periods. Fasting has been linked to reduced risks of chronic diseases such as type II diabetes and high blood pressure and lowered risk of cancers associated with obesity.
ReplyDeleteOne of the greatest advantages of fasting as a means of losing weight is that it is more effective in burning through fat cells compared to regular dieting. In addition, fasting is incorporated as a lifestyle change, which makes it more sustainable and more effective compared to many ‘crash diet weight loss solutions.
Actually, several studies have found fasting to be one of the most effective and most reliable long term solutions for weight loss and weight maintenance.
Grab Carina Andreea
In my opinion, fasting is understood as a practice of refraining from certain foods in certain days or periods established by the church. Moreover, out of the religious significance, i think that fasting is one of the most effective alternative of diet due to his lots of benefits for our bodies and for our souls. It is also becoming more popular among the stars nowadays.
ReplyDelete*Zancu Antonie
DeleteThere is some good scientific evidence suggesting that fasting, when combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, can be a particularly effective approach to weight loss, especially for people at risk for diabetes. Just changing the timing of meals, by eating earlier in the day and extending the overnight fast, significantly benefited metabolism even in people who didn’t lose a single pound. In my opinion, the ease of intermittent fasting is best reason to give it a try. It provides a wide range of health benefits without requiring a massive lifestyle change and that's why I'm not against it and I am truly sustaining it.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion , fasting can bring about a strong sense of cleansing, or even catharsis. On a physical level, this may be a function of sweating out the garbage from industrialized food or a chemical-rich contemporary environment. On an emotional level, maybe it’s about cleansing the accumulated grime of ignored emotions, and getting some insight into what lies beneath.
I totally agree, I think everyone and everything sometimes needs a break, but still we can't just stop our organisms and give them a break, so at least what we can do is not overtax it and "clean" it, fasting is the perfect way to do it.
DeleteRopotan Elena
The way I see it, fasting could be an effective way of weight loss, however it is not the best option for that purpose. Eating exactly what your body needs and as much as you require could be way more effective, not to mention it’s psychological advantage, that you don’t have to starve for achieving your goals. However, fasting could have beneficial effects if it is made in a thoughtful, well-defined way and not necessarily in order to lose weight, but for example, to improve your metabolism, by avoiding some types of food for a shorter period of time.
ReplyDeleteFasting recharges you. It is known from the Holy Bible. In these days fasting is used not only for religious reasons but for dietetical reasons. For example: loosing weight. These dietetical reasons can be healthy but can also be unhealthy, if it is done in a wrong way.
ReplyDeleteThere are many different types of fasts out there, usually romanian people refer to fasting as the religious kind of fast where you do not eat any animal products. Despite that, fasting is also a tool that is pretty helpful when trying to cut weight/fat, as it limits your eating window to 4-8 hours instead of 12-16(fasting means consuming all of your calories in a small time frame, as i stated previously). Many people see it as the holy grail of dieting, whereas others think it's completely useless, i like to think it's somewhere in the middle, considering it a tool to make a calorie deficit more enjoyable.
ReplyDeleteThere are many benefits of this nutritional strategy, showing its best results on health, but only if it is adopted for a limited period of time. Our body needs some time to adapt to the new conditions, once it creates a habit of it is easier for us to practice fasting. I consider it to be a great way of preventing diseases, as well as it can be used as a treatment, in obesity for example. I have to say that fasting isn't recommended for some classes of people like pregnant women, under eighteen years old teenagers, diabetics and others. I've tried fasting myself and I can say that it is like a moment of breath for the organism, and a chance to use the energy on others processes.
ReplyDeleteRopotan Elena
Fasting is the refraining from certain foods and drinks, for a certain period of time. In medicine- fasting is recommended before the surgical procedures or the proedures which involve anesthesia. In religion-fasting is practiced during the certain periods of the year and on friday.
ReplyDeleteThe fasting manifests in many forms. In Lent, wednesday and friday, is very strict. Avoid foods are meat, dairy, eggs. Also, in Lent, the number and size of meals are reduced, so fasting also helps in weight loos.
Bojian Ioana-Emilia
ReplyDeleteShould we be fasting? To my mind fasting is just a way of depriving the body of the nutrients that it needs. Of course, there is the spiritual side of fasting, which is the only reason why it would be acceptable. Of course it is a fast way to lose weight, but at what cost? Our health is not to be played with so before considering fasting, you should see a professional about it.
I liked your play on words: fasting is a fast way to lose weight....
DeleteAbstaining or reducing food and drink intake periodically can be good for us, making it one of the most popular diet trends worldwide.
ReplyDeleteA detoxification process also occurs, because any toxins stored in the body's fat are dissolved and removed from the body.
I believe such a diet is ineffective for long-term weight loss. Fasting for weight loss has many health risks.
I think there are some people who should avoid the black fast altogether.
Moga C.
DeleteFasting by avoiding food and drinking many water 3-4 l is definitly detoxifying the body by the help of the kidneys.It can help the imune system by enpowreing it because it doesen't need to lose energy on digesting.Nearly all of our legumes and fruits are contaning GMO-s not benefitial for us but for t bussines,not mentioning the growth hormones and antibiotics in the animal producting world.Avoiding these for a little time 1-3 days can be benefitial.
ReplyDeleteby Schut Szabolcs Lorand
Pfeifer Melany
ReplyDeleteWe often mix the meanings of diet and fasting, although the the goal of fasting is not to lose weight, but abstinence, which in many cases can lead to weight loss as well. Fasting is not “detoxication”, how many people refer to it, but relieving the human body, sparing the digestive system, and subserving the depletion of excreta. Fasting often becomes a long starvation, and in my opinion a well compiled, personalised diet, with traditional, multiple meals, with adequate makro and mikro nutriment consistency, and with a well set energy requisite is perfectly enough. In this way we could follow a well balanced, continuously tenable diet, in which there aren’t specific restrictions and we can get every nutrient we need. Our bodies know their jobs, we just have to live healthy.
The logic behind fasting as an approach to weight loss: because you have to have a calorie deficit to lose weight, eating in a window makes it easier to eat less and reach your designated calories
ReplyDeletewhat what most people do is not "true" fasting most ordinary people eat only one meal a day during fasting and this is not a correct approach, and this leads to weight loss, fasting can be beneficial if done correctly by consuming the necessary daily in the time window
I think that fasting firstly has cultural/religious values and nutritional benefits are just some bonuses. The most important is to not force fasting if we don't feel good during it. I don't think that is a good habit but it has many positive effects and sometimes we could use it like a diet. It depend on how our body is reacting. We need to choose what is best for our body not popular diat or fasting plans which doesn't fit with our lifestyle or bodytype.