Listen to the TedTalk below on the importance and reasons for becoming a vegetarian and develop on one of them in no more than 50 words.

Why I'm a weekday vegetarian


  1. If we become vegetarian then we will do good to our animals(by saving them) and also to our bodies. From an environmental point of view, meat produces more emissions than all the transportation ways combined—so being vegetarian is an "eco" and healthy decision!
    Oncea Georgiana-Mihaela

  2. Zomora Izabella11 May 2019 at 11:29

    What the video says, it is indeed a good idea, but it also requires a lot of self-control and self-awareness, since there is so much easy temptations on the street, in the super market and the restaurant. But it is great to see that people begin to talk about this again. Anyway, I agree with him, there definitely will be a better life-style than just being a sharp vegetarian, or meat-eater. We could all start to do it step by step, by replacing the meat by other more environmental friendly things, like beans.

  3. "Imagine your last hamburger" is my favorite sentence of this presentation. I think this is the major concern of society about giving up eating meet. It sounds too definitive even to give it a shot. People like to break the rules so being a non-vegetarian vegetarian is the perfect solution for not only the environment, the animals, our health and pockets but our minds too as we won't go crazy above the thought that we won't have a bite of steak ever again. Being a weekday vegetarian sounds like a win-win.

  4. According to what I gathered from the TED talk attached, there are a multitude of benefits if we choose to be a vegetarian. One of the reasons pointed out was concerning our environment. In my opinion the environment that surrounds us is in danger since there are far more factories and industries that we need for a sustainable life. Moreover, the pollution caused by the current means of transportation is also exceedingly high.
    Chiriluș Mitrofan Elena

  5. Mihaela Alecu (Tapescu)22 May 2019 at 11:57

    The narrator of the Ted's video says that we often find ourselves in a state of conflict with our taste buds. I felt really touched by this statement, mostly because I personally agree with it. Most of the time, change implies interior conflicts within us. Between ideally and reality, soul and mind, tasteful flavours against the desire of a healthy diet. Being a vegetarian involves assuming a conscious decision, from a profound understanding of your own needs. Often what suits one's needs does not suit everyone, and assuming a vegetarian lifestyle should not be a trend, but a consequence of a long period of practice and self-knowledge.

  6. I believe that being a vegetarian can be a very good thing for the environment and your health and I think that over time it will be a solution adopted more and more among young people a lot of people become vegetarians nowadays for various reasons for their own health or environmental reasons and I believe this will be adopted by an increasing number over time


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